Ivan Krpan

"Tvrda" i "meka" stvarnost u medicini.

"Hard" and "soft" reality in medicine

Acta medicorum 1993;19:57-61.

Somatska medicina prvenstveno se bavi "fizičkim i kauzalnim", a psihijatrija "psihološkim i egzistencijalnim". Prva je zaokupljena "tvrdom" stvarnošću i primjereniji joj je medicinski model. Drugu pretežno zanima "meka" stvarnost, a optimalnije bi bilo ukoliko bi se njena praksa temeljila na sistemskom modelu.

Autor smatra da ova neizbježna polarizacija medicinskih disciplina nije i njihovo razilaženje. Sponu među njima premošćuju oni terapeuti, bilo koje strane, koji vode računa i o bolesti i o bolesniku, vide pacijenta i užu okolinu kao partnere, te vode računa da neizbježnu manipulaciju pacijentom svakog trenutka svode na najmanju moguću mjeru. Na taj način terapeuti prevladavaju redukcionistički pristup i način mišljenja u korist integracijskog.

Somatic medicine predominantly deals with "psychical and causal", while psychiatry is predominantly concerned with "psychological and existential" items. Somatic medicine is absorbed with "hard" reality and medical model of thinking is most suitable for it. Psychiatry is essentially interested in "soft" reality and it would be ideal for it to be based on systemic model. Author considers that such an inevitable polarization amongst medical branches does not automatically mean their splitting. The connection between them is withheld by those therapist who are able to pay attention both to illness and to patient, who see patient and his nearest surroundings as partners, and who take care of reducing inevitable manipulations with clients to the lowest possible level. This is a way of how therapist might overcome reductionistic approach and way of thinking in favor of integrating one.