Ivan Krpan& Nenad Horvat

Obiteljska skulptura kao metaforički prikaz "meke" stvarnosti

Family sculpture as metaphoric demonstration of "soft" reality

Psychiatria Danubina 1994;6(3-4):141-4.

"Prosječni" psihijatrijski pacijent i članovi njegove obitelji češće su usredotočeni na "tvrdu" nego na "meku" stvarnost. Prva se odnosi na "konkretnu, očigledno datu stvarnost", dok se druga tiče psihičke, empirijske, socijalne, interpersonalne ili interakcijske stvarnosti. Bateson govori o odnosnoj stvarnosti.

Obiteljsku skulpturu unazad nekoliko godina koristimo u svakodnevnom radu kao relativno jednostavan instrument za pomicanje fokusa naših klijenata sa somatske na individualno psihološku, a poglavito odnosnu i sistemsku razinu. Čini nam se da se pomoću ove metaforičke tehnike jasnije mogu demonstrirati horizontalna i vertikalna struktura obitelji, a također i neverbalni aspekti obiteljske komunikacije. Ova tehnika može se primjenjivati kako u proširenoj terapijskoj zajednici, tako i u radu s jednom obitelji.

"Average" psychiatric patient and members of his family are more often oriented to "hard" than "soft" reality. The first one is referred to as "concrete and obviously defined reality", the second meaning psychic, empirical, social, interpersonal or interactional reality. Bateson used to speak about relational reality.

We have been using the family sculpture technique in our practice for several years, as a relatively simple instrument for shifting focus of our patients from the somatic level to the individual psychological, and especially relational and systemic levels. Horizontal and vertical structure of a family, as well as non-verbal aspects of its communication appear to be more obvious when demonstrated by this metaphoric means. This technique san be applied in the conText of a widened therapeutic community, as well as with the single family.